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Exciting News: 2025 Updates to Are Here!
By: Jim Inzeo
We’re excited to announce that the 2025 updates to our Compliance Binders products are now live! As part of L&R’s ongoing dedication to improving healthcare environments, these updates incorporate the latest industry standards, regulatory changes, and emerging trends to help healthcare organizations enhance patient safety, streamline operations, and maintain compliance. The 2025 updates focus on…
By: Jim Inzeo
The closeout submittal process is the final stage in the construction project lifecycle. It involves the submission, review, and approval of all the required project documents, as-built drawings, warranties, and other relevant information that are necessary to close out the project. It’s obviously a critical process, and in this article, we explain, in basic terms,…
How Facility Managers Can Leave a Lasting Legacy
By: Jim Inzeo
As a facility manager, you play a vital role in maintaining and operating the buildings and grounds that make up your organization. But your impact goes beyond just keeping the lights on and the pipes running. You have the opportunity to leave your own footprint on your facility–one that will be remembered long after you've…
Built Environments, Facility Management
What Are Layered Floor Plans?
By: Jim Inzeo
Creating layered PDF files from CAD files is a process that allows facility managers and other building professionals to easily view and navigate complex architectural drawings and plans. Layered PDF files are similar to traditional PDF files, but with the added benefit of containing multiple layers of information, which can be turned on or off…
Keeping Everyone on the Same Page: Compliance Activities
By: Jim Inzeo
Healthcare organizations are responsible for providing safe and high-quality care to patients. A critical component of this responsibility is maintaining the safety of their facilities. To help enforce this, healthcare facilities subscribe to one of multiple Accrediting Organizations who implement a set of standards that are to be followed, many of which require documentation as…
The Joint Commission Survey Timeline
By: Jim Inzeo
The Joint Commission is an independent, non-profit organization that accredits and certifies healthcare organizations and programs in the United States. A Joint Commission survey is an on-site evaluation of a healthcare organization's compliance with established standards of care and patient safety. The timeline for a Joint Commission survey typically involves several stages: Overall, the Joint…